Windows Live Writer

I am writing this post from Window Live Writer. It seems to be all over the blogosphere this morning, so I thought I would try.

Installations were a breeze, but you cannot specify an installation directory, so those of us who install programs on separate drives are SOL.

Setting up the blog was even easier than the installation. All you need to do is type in the URL and Windows Live Writer does the rest.

There are three interfaces for composing: two WYSIWYG, one HTML preview with the styles from your blog, and the last one, which resembles a simple word processor. The third interface is the classic HTML view. WLW also has preview and spell-check functions, which PFF, my preferred tool, does not.

I will update this post once I have published it to let you know if everything came across alright (unlike my post from Office 2007 Beta).

UPDATE: The worst thing that WLW did during the post was not to separate my paragraphs. It’s not too shabby.

UPDATE 2: The image uploads are a little wonky. For WordPress, it loads to the correct directory (i.e., uploads/2006/08), but there, it creates a sub-folder based on the post title and another folder to contain the thumbnail and the original image. This in itself is not a huge deal, but it makes these uploads inaccessible through the web admin panel.